Bloggy Bits
We're living in a Simulated Universe? Are you sure?
Feb 28, 2011 [permalink]
Pondering about the nature of the universe is always fun, isn't it? It's one of the cool parts of writing SF.
So, this Oxford philosopher "proves," mathematically, that either you're living in a simulated universe, or else the world is going to end soon. Wow, that's bleak, no? Fortunately there are some flaws in his logic, leading to some even more fascinating ideas, which I've played with for fun in an article that was originally printed in the SFWA Bulletin.
Now that it's out of its exclusivity period for the Bulletin I've posted "Simulations and Reality in WYSIWYG Universes" online for y'all to read and having fun pondering about.
It's at:
Enjoy it before the universe ends! :)
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