Captain's Blog
Really really REALLY REALLY don%27t trust AI chatbots, Part III -- they don%27t even know what today%27s date is! Is this intentional?
Really REALLY don%27t trust software code written by "chatbots" like Google%27s Bard AI. Eeek!
Really really don%27t trust "chatbots" like Google%27s Bard AI. They lie. A lot.
How to Increase Vaccination Rates
Wising up to Smart Quotes in Word
(And fixing them when they go wrong)
Random thoughts on Bitcoin
Tips to protect deliveries, and keep people from knowing you%27re on vacation
Fasten Your Seatbelts... For the Whole Flight?!?
It%27s okay now: AP says you can lowercase the %27i%27 in Internet
You catch more flies by smelling bad
Guest Blogger: Roger Pseudonym
The Glamorous Geek%27s Guide to Surviving the Real World—Winning Money, Success, and Love On a Planet Full of Jocks and Charmers
Most Common Story Titles
Looking for Beta Testers for Smartlinks for Smashwords Authors
Looking for Volunteers Who Sell Books, for an Experiment
ReAnimus%27s First Acquisition - Advent Publishers!
Random Thoughts on Apparently Silly Ways to Do Math
System Changes I Hope You%27ll Like
What if Google Knew Who You Were Talking About... and Told Them?
On Signing SFWA%27s Founder, and Other Goings on at Chez Aburt
How Many Spaces After the Period, Take Two
Yay! Amazon KDP Adds Payments and Foreign Exchange Report
Enter to Win a FREE KINDLE!
Henry Gee%27s amazing SIGIL TRILOGY is on sale for the Solstice! Book One is FREE!
Micro-rant: Irritations of Paperless Billing
25% OFF Cybermonday and LOTS OF NEW RELEASES at ReAnimus Press!
Nook Sales Fall Off Cliff and Other Irregularities - Big Problems at Barnes&Noble
Bestseller BAD KARMA: A True Story of Obsession and Murder by Deborah Blum, just released in paperback from ReAnimus Press
22 Norman Spinrad titles back in print from ReAnimus Press — including a first print release of MEXICA!
MEXICA, by Norman Spinrad - Hot off the presses!
Nano-rant... Argh! Why can%27t web browsers save your form posts if you accidentally close your window???
The Demise of our Car Culture? Not.
Critters Server Dying Replaced
Random Musing of the Day: Annoyed at Target
FREE Weekend Special! - Download SIEGE OF STARS, Book 1 of THE SIGIL TRILOGY for Free
Harlan Ellison Helps Ed Bryant! Get their PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES and you can too!
THE SIGIL TRILOGY has been nominated for Best Novel in the British Science Fiction Association awards
Why I Voted For Obama, and Think It%27s Better If He Wins
Hey, Target, What%27s With Selling So Much Expired and Nearly Expired Food? Ick.
Hey, Credit Card Companies etc. - Quit Bugging Me To "Go Paperless"
Survey time! How do you like your trilogies?
RAGE OF STARS - Michael Moorcock, Kim Stanley Robinson, Nancy Kress all love it!
Books at a steal for Talk Like A Pirate Day!
New Comment System - Beta Testers Wanted
UNDERHANDED CHESS - A hilarious handbook of devious diversions and stratagems for winning at chess
One of the Best Books I%27ve Ever Read
Tired of the Doublespeak of "Cutting the Deficit"
W00T! Henry "Nature Futures" Gee%27s SIEGE OF STARS, Book 1 of The Sigil Trilogy, is now in ARC!
Fans of Print Remain Hopeful vs. Ebooks, Despite the Cold Equations
Olympics coverage in prime time: Booooooooringgggg.
THE MARS MONOPOLY - an original Ace Double by Star Trek master Jerry Sohl
Ben Bova%27s TEST OF FIRE from ReAnimus Press
Thoughts on Smashwords Finding That Higher Ebook Prices Are Better
Libraries and Ebooks - An Interesting Question
Something Wicked This Way Came
99 cent special on I, ALEPPO from Star Trek master writer Jerry Sohl
Beta Testers Needed
Ben Bova%27s ESCAPE!
I forgot - today is International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day again! Free book!
When Two is Not, Apparently, Better than One
Like a Newly Found Heinlein Book - POINT ULTIMATE by Jerry Sohl
A fun poem for writers - what a language we have!
DOJ Ebook / Apple / Publisher Lawsuit First Thoughts - Arrghhhhh!!!
Useful New Features from the Post Office - and More They Could Do
Staying Alive - New Ebook on the Business of Writing from Norman Spinrad
Special 99 cent Deal on Ben Bova%27s EXILES TRILOGY
How To Improve Your Speculative Fiction Openings - Amazing Research
ReAnimus Press Updates: 30+ New Books from Ben Bova, Norman Spinrad, Jerry Sohl, Wil McCarthy!
Solved! How to keep your facebook sorted by "Recent Stories First"
What could B&N, Smashwords, etc. do better? Share your ideas...
Five review copies of A Private Mutiny and Side Effects available - email me if you%27re interested
A Private Mutiny, Ben Bova%27s Latest Ebook, and Amazon
Meet Biff America
20% off Bova, Silverberg, Spinrad - everything in the ReAnimus Store
Are We Beginning to Enter a Post-Capitalism Era?
Eek! Heads up: Facebook Hides Messages You May Not Know About
How the 1% Could Set a Good Example
99 cent Special on Ben Bova%27s THE WEATHERMAKERS on Amazon from ReAnimus Press
A GUIDE TO BARSOOM from ReAnimus Press - Just went live!
Analyzing the Amazon Lending Library
Recycle Your Money
New tool for Smashwords authors
What Greedy CEOs Need to Understand (it%27s not that difficult)
So, Where do you buy your ebooks, and Why?
Ebooks and Bridging the Digital Divide
Survey Says: People Really Like Ebook Readers
If Amazon is Clogged With Spam Ebooks, Who is Buying Them?
Eternity is a Loooong Time
Caveat Emptor - Aburt and the $5 Epic Fail Site
It%27s Freebie Friday in the Critter Members%27 Bookstore!
I%27m still here, but the Rapture took my cable modem
It%27s Freebie Friday in the Critters Members Store!
A paper-like screen you can roll up and crumple...
Fascinating characterization article about the science of Good and Evil
A mischievous thought on HarperCollins%27 limiting libraries to 26 loans of an ebook...
Musings on the State of Space and Time and Travel therein
Nooks now got Apps
Nooks for under $75!
New eBookstore -
Milestone: AAP reports ebooks are now the #1 book format
The Evolution of the Golden Ratio
The end of Rejection Dejection?
Bill & Ted%27s new movie title, my suggestion
Kindle - What price for ads would you pay?
Dear American Idol: About those critiques...
Ebook Sales Continue Massive Growth, Numbers as Projected
Nearing the breakeven point selling your own ebooks
Free ebook: Use coupon code NZ24U to read "A Sailor on the Sea of Humanity" at
Publisher to limit number of ebook library checkouts
We%27re living in a Simulated Universe? Are you sure?
B&N eliminates their dividend, Stock falls 16%
Making an Ebook for Kindles and iPads and Nooks, Oh My!
Email Blog Alerts
Ebook Sales Cannibalizing Print
Survey on book earnings
If you made a movie out of the worst book ever written, would it be the worst movie ever made?
Borders Declares Bankruptcy -- While Amazon Sells More Ebooks than Paper
Tip of the Day: A Quick Way to Minimize Pain
Displaying What You Read With Ebooks?
What Do Ereaders Need To Improve?
Signs, Portents, Omens; and the Future of Selling "Physical" Ebooks
Saving Moolah with Media Mail for Manuscripts
2011 - The Year of the Ebook?
Ebook sales -- Comparing Apples to Apples, and Besides, it%27s Not the 10% Today, it%27s the "If This Goes On..." Tomorrow
Evidence Found of First Internet, Early 1900s
What%27s the best price for an ebook? -- A Survey
What Can Publishers Do For Authors in a Mostly-ebook World?
How to Sign an Ebook
Refinancing -- How to tell what%27s good:
Digital paper demonstrated — cool!
The TSA Has Gone Too Far
Why DRM is bad, reason #732
Critters is 15 today!
New Feature -- Credit Sharing Among Workshops
Unveiling — Workshops for Everyone!
First impressions: Pandigital Novel ebook reader review
Tweaking the site
Are you prepared for The Big One?
Stephen King now reads half digitally
.epub and .mobi Files for Manuscripts
Better Late than Never
Bloggy Bits
Are you prepared for The Big One?
Nov 12, 2010
Ebook Sales Curves — Sssssssss Hot!
Talking about the article saying Stephen King reading half digitally
lead to a question about hard data on ebook sales, so I found
that the Association of American Publishers reports ebooks are now
over 9% of sales. They also
present a chart showing their annual growth data from 2002, in dollars and
percent of sales. It very much looks like the left/early side of a
classic adoption S-curve.
I thought it would be interesting to curve-fit the AAP's data to an S-curve
see how it fits, and see where it projects it's going. I remember reading
somewhere a couple months ago that the major publishers thought ebooks
would exceed 50% of total sales no later than 2015. I seem to recall
they used the word "conservatively" in that statement.
See, this is an exponential function. It grows really fast. The early
numbers may look small, but the year-over-year growth rate is still
high. There is a significant increase in each of the years -- the
numbers double or triple each year.
Those are the real data points. Note the nice exponential shape.
Percent of sales going up, years since 2001 going across.
It obviously can't keep doubling or tripling. Only until you reach
around the 70%ish mark; then it slows and eventually closes in on 100%.
Adoption of products tends to follow the Pearl curve aka Logistics curve
aka S-curve.
It's a well known curve, and usually pretty accurate.
For grins I decided to do a regression analysis on the AAP's data points,
fitting it to an S-curve. The r-squared correlation coefficient came out to
an incredible 0.9677. (1.0 is a perfect fit. 0.9677 is an extremely good fit.)
Here's the projected curve. Year across the bottom, percent of book sales going up.
The predictions from this curve fitting are pretty astounding: Ebooks sales
roughly tripling again next year (so 9% of sales to around 27%). By the next year
ebook sales exceed 50% of sales, roughly projected around 2/3. By the year
after that, ebooks could be as much as 90% of sales.
The sources of error in this curve-fit come mostly from the fact that we only
have annual data, and from the fact that a lot of the fit comes from the
early, small potatoes numbers. Quarterly data would be more useful. And of
course human nature isn't a perfect curve fit; economic factors, luck of the
draw on what ebook devices are out there, etc. all contribute.
But the data suggest that ebooks could overtake print book sales and become
dominant within a very small number of years. Exponentials are not to
be trifled with.
"That's FAST!" you say. Yes, well, let's not forget that DVDs overtook VHS
in only three years.
It's always scary to make predictions, but this has all the signs of being
"the big one."
True or not, sort of like Pascal's Wager, it makes sense to plan
as if it might be so. Are you ready? :)