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On Signing SFWA's Founder, and Other Goings on at Chez Aburt

Feb 26, 2014   [permalink]

W00t! Just signed! DAMON KNIGHT, founder of SFWA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Inc.), original "Futurian" with Asimov, Pohl, et al., co-founder of the Clarion writers workshop, namesake of SFWA's "Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award" — and author of scores of books and a gazillion short stories. We'll be publishing (almost) everything he wrote, and, hopefully, the anthologies he edited, such as the famous ORBIT series. Stay tuned!

Special Deal just for me bloggy friends!

Just for listening to me babble on—and in honor of Jerry Sohl getting named on the Writers Guild of America's list for 101 Best Written TV Series(!)—get his science fiction horror mystery thriller NIGHT SLAVES ebook for just 99 cents! Good now through Feb. 28th. Use coupon code "blog214" in the ReAnimus Press store. (Enter the code before clicking Add to Cart.) Enjoy!

Jerry Sohl wrote over two dozen books (from major publishers) and a slew of episodes of Star Trek, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, and Alfred Hitchcock Presents. He's less known today (having passed away), but his books are still fun to read, and I'm glad ReAnimus gets to bring them all back.

Congrats to the Nebula Award Critterfolk!

I haven't tallied up how many, but I see a whole bunch of Critterfolk among the list of Nebula Award finalists. Congratulations!!!

Preditors & Editors

As you may recall, I've taken the reins of the Preditors & Editors site, after the death of P&E's founder, Dave Kuzminski. I've been working to update the site, in terms of content (lots of new warnings and such), features (improved on a system to help authors promote their new books that Dave was working on), communications (added a couple email lists to send out updates), and look (not that this new look is the best ever, but I hope you'll agree it's an improvement over the old look). :) I hope you find it all useful!

Four More Ben Bova books published!

Four more Ben Bova ebooks you'll want to read because he writes such good stuff. All are $3.99:

FORWARD IN TIME by Ben Bova Future shocks from the award-winning Ben Bova! Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

MAXWELL'S DEMONS by Ben Bova Science fiction and science fact, humor and adventure, all await when you enter the unpredictable world of... MAXWELL'S DEMONS Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

TWICE SEVEN by Ben Bova Ben Bova's universe is always more than the sum of its parts... Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

THE ASTRAL MIRROR by Ben Bova A dozen and a half views of the world, past present and future, as seen through the Astral Mirror.... Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

This brings us up to a whopping 20 books from Ben!

The Science of Middle Earth

THE SCIENCE OF MIDDLE EARTH - Just released in paperback!

You won't be able to put this one down—it's a must read if you're a Tolkien fan. By Nature editor Dr. Henry Gee, a wonderful book explaining things like, how did Frodo's mithril coat ward off the fatal blow of an orc? How was Legolas able to count the number of riders crossing the plains of Rohan from five leagues away? Could Balrogs fly?

Grab it from... Amazon

The Gilded Basilisk

You should definitely read THE GILDED BASILISK, because basilisks and dragons are cool. :) Chet is also a SFWA pro author, so he's proven to the galactic elite that he can string words together in a most pleasing way. And he's a nice guy. Mainly, you should read it because it's a good book. Lots of Amazon reviewers agree with that. I know you'll enjoy it. :) Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

Chet was also interviewed in the newspaper. Go Chet!

Edward Bryant

We've just finished releasing all of (multiple Nebula Award winner) Ed Bryant's books. If you've been waiting, the wait is over!

Because of Ed's financial needs, almost all the profits from this book go directly to Ed. Donations to help with Ed's medical and other financial needs are also most appreciated via www.FriendsOfEd.org. Thank you!

The final batch includes:

PREDATORS AND OTHER STORIES by Edward Bryant - $3.99 Troubling tales as only Ed Bryant can tell.

Ed Bryant's stories from the anthology Night Visions 4: Hardshell featuring all original stories by Dean R. Koontz, Robert R. McCammon, and Edward Bryant.

The "Author Introductions" before each story are themselves a work of art and not to be missed.

Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

FETISH by Edward Bryant - $3.99 Modern day witch Angela Black faces some strange goings on with an old flame. Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

TRILOBYTE by Edward Bryant - $2.99 A trio of twisted little tales from the master of twistedness. With an introduction by Tim Powers. Grab it from... ReAnimus Press Store | Amazon

And LOTS more

Read about all our other cool new releases, because we've got a whole bunch of stuff you'll enjoy reading. (Plus you'll find another coupon code there for another book!) :)


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