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Staying Alive - New Ebook on the Business of Writing from Norman Spinrad

Apr 9, 2012   [permalink]

It's hard enough for a writer just to get published. But even harder is—Staying Alive.


The business side of writing and the publishing industry is often overlooked in books on writing — but not this one. Now released in ebook form from ReAnimus Press, Norman Spinrad's STAYING ALIVE - A WRITER'S GUIDE gives great advice on how to survive as a writer, both economically and psychologically. It was written a few years ago, so factor in some inflation in the numbers, but otherwise the trends he writes about are as true then as today.

Spinrad knows his stuff: He's a three-time SFWA President, award-winning author, been a litery agent, and so on. It's a great read for anyone who wants a career as a writer, and I'm glad my ReAnimus Press got the opportunity to publish it.

It's at:


and from Amazon at:


I hope you enjoy it!


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