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Free ebook: Use coupon code NZ24U to read "A Sailor on the Sea of Humanity" at http://bit.ly/hfuAlL

Mar 4, 2011   [permalink]

It's free with the coupon until the end of March. It's a short story about time dilation, secrets, grief, families, and saving the world. :) One of my favorites. Enjoy!

(Another in my continuing experiments in making my out of print material available as ebooks [ http://aburt.com/fiction ] so I can report to you what seems to work and what doesn't [ http://critique.org/blog ].)

Speaking of which, don't forget to enter your ebook sales information the pricing elasticity survey: http://critique.org/edsurv


(Edit: You can also get it via the Kindle store at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004OEKEE0 but Amazon doesn't have a coupon thing, so it's 99 cents.)


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