Bloggy Bits
It's Freebie Friday in the Critters Members Store!
May 13, 2011 [permalink]
I've been thinking a cool feature for the Critters Members Store would be Freebie Friday: A free ebook from a member available for one day only. On, of course, Friday. Which book it is will rotate randomly among authors who've chosen to participate, one book a week. The theory is if we can hook you readers on our work, you'll want more of it. More, More, MORE! And hopefully people who stop by the store for the freebie will just happen to put other items in their shopping cart as well. :) Lots of good stuff there.
And look, today is Friday, woohoo! That means there must be a freebie out there. I started this project off with one of my own ebooks. Next week will be someone else.
To find the freebie, visit the store — — and look for the title whose "Add to Cart" button has been replaced with "Get from Critters for Free".
And buy lots of other stuff too. :)
(For the curious, "Friday" is defined as Friday in the US/Mountain time zone.)
(If you're a Critter member and you'd like to participate and have your ebook available on a Freebie Friday, just let me know.)
CommentsLet me know what you think! I welcome your comments. |