Bloggy Bits
A GUIDE TO BARSOOM from ReAnimus Press - Just went live!
Nov 11, 2011 [permalink]
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars books are a lot of fun. (Well, Disney must think so too, since they're releasing a John Carter of Mars movie next year. The trailer makes it look like fun.) :) But yeah, okay, they are neat.
So, my ReAnimus Press has just released John Flint Roy's A GUIDE TO BARSOOM as an ebook. It's been out of print for a long time, with used copies being pretty pricey. This one wasn't easy to get republished. John Flint Roy has passed away, but those who know ERB-Dom know Caz, and we got it going. Mike Resnick offered to write an introduction, and I gladly took him up on that. We've got the great original Neal MacDonald illustrations, and a cover. The ERB Inc. people were really nice, but it took ages to clear Disney legal. But it did! And now it's ready!
We're in the process of uploading it to the usual places, but for those who want it now, here it is:
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